Saturday, June 8, 2013

My House

     I made a house in SL ages ago, and its still standing.  I am never there anymore, as I had a bit of a falling out, it seems, with the landlord (its sad what accusations of Alt-ness can do to a friendship. for the record, in case anyone knows him, I am not my cousin Jake.). But the houe still remains, though the neighboors have banned me. Ah well. in any case I decided to take pictures of my house and share here, in case somthing happens and it goes away for good.  none of these pictures is edited, so you can get a sense of the house. 

This is my house from the exterior. It is in a land called "Free Tibet" so I drew inspiration from a picture of a Tibetan town. The architecture seemed very boxy to me.  Sl did not, and still does not have a lot of Tibetan shops, so my interior decor is Japanese, mostly because I like the aesthetic. 

     This is me in the interior, you can see the Japanese influence, though the prayer flags I made are Tibetan in origin.  This next picture is looking in from the patio area, my bed is behind the screen.
     The dress is by Gizza, but its old, and its a system skirt which destroys my ass even more than mesh does. I do like the prim peplum, but the outfit feels dated (though its still lovely). Of course I say this even as Mesh frustrates me-because nothing is standard, even in the era of standard sizes. 
     A closer view  of the same shot, with my decollatage covering in lovely lace. Gizza's stuff is top notch. The earrings are by Chop Zuey called Octopussy, a name I cannot say with out laughing. Finally, the heels. These are Cathy (I think- I get the names mixed up), by Redgrave. They are color change so the ugly color combinations might be my experimentation.  They are still amazing shoes.

Details - Dress: Gizza; Heels: Redgrave; Jewelry: Chop Zuey; Hair: Dura; Skin: L'O.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Back Again

      Sorry for being gone, but RL demanded a return to Japan for a couple of weeks as I needed to wind things up there.  I will miss the craziness of Tokyo and the serenity of Kyoto, but those cities will be safer without having to worry about a rampagin Glamzilla!  I popped back into SL and checked out the popular spots and discovered Bladerunner City in the Off World Colonies.  It is a wonderful build and I want to go back and explore more, the place reawakened my inner sci-fi geek (depsite the efforts of JJ Abrams to kill her off with the new Star Trek - a Wrath of Khan remake? Seriously?).  So there will be more from the off world colonies. 

     I got this outfit at GIzza, and if you are not aquainted with Gizza, you should be. Brilliant stuff, and edgy without being overly out there. My new fascination is with bright colors, in bright patterns, though I have not found a lot of them that really work for me. This out fit did, and demanded some bright yellow pumps. I have been too conservative in my shoe color choices-its a habit I am going to try very hard to break. 
  I really liked the brightness of this outfit, its very very summery and feels like June.  Its also the first time in SL I have bothered with a bag. IRL I am lost without a purse (usually a large coach bag that contains my whole life) but in SL I have been free of the need.  Still it did sort of make me feel more like a woman, as dragging our lives around with us was a hallmark of feminininity.  Still it is nice to be prepared for any emergency-and yes, i even have a swiss army knife in my purse.

     Ok, the earring as are no as clear in this as I wanted them to be, but I got really distracted by the picture in the background.  My newfouund jewelry fetish continues with Chop Zuey being my dealer of choice.  For a woman, however, I can see membership in Chop Zuey being a mandatory expense, as the group gifts alone will give you a nice jewelry warddrobe.  It is one of my two group memberships I actually paid for, the other being Franks Elite.  I would consider these groups mandatory, along with the G-Spot of course.

        I seriously need to change the left-right-left rythm of the photographs in these blogs.  I won't rush into it, but it does seem to be a pattern with me, and this year is about breaking patterns.  Well these are the first of my summer heels. Classic pumps ny N-Core, a pricey investment, to be sure, but I like them. I considered a fat pack of Maitryea pumps, but I am not sure of the return value, as I get older and older in SL, I lean towards open toes, and 10k for a 24 shoes seemed a huge investment, especially since that 10k would almost buy every pair of shoes Redgrave makes, and Redgrave shoes are color change, which is a major plus.

Heels: N-Core. Outfit: Gizza. Jewelry: Chop Zuey. Hair: Dura. Skin: L'0.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Earrings and Asscracks

     So yesterday (meaning Friday) I hung out with my friend Danity, and we did the girl thing: shopped and tried on lots of clothes.  Despite lots of cute outfit combinations, it was not the time or place to mine for posts.  After all a girl has to have time to be a girl, and sometimes Girl Time needs to be unscripted.  This is not to say there was no payoff for you, my loyal (or casual) reader-just suggesting my whole life is not about a blog.  Spare me your remarks about five years between posts meaning none of my life is about a blog.
      Danity is an SL model, and you can most often find her working for Mianmai or Chop Zuey.  In my efforts to track her down yesterday, I wandered in to the Mianmai spring line.  Now I have had a recent revelation to be a Maitreya fangirl. But all that got compromised with this new spring line.  I gave in and spent. And spent. And spent.  This top, in the amazing sea green was among my picks, being flirty and casual, as seen here with Larry Jeans shorts and the new Helena heels from Redgrave (color change even!). The top is mesh, so it sort of masks my body, but the peplum effect emphasizes the waist, which I like-alot.

     Much of our outing was spent giving me a tour of Chop Zuey.  Now I confess that my interest in SL jewelry has never been intese, largely because I don't wear a lot of jewelry IRL and well, frankly a lot of SL jewelry has sucked in either design or execution. Chop Zuey is fantastic and has made me rethink my opinion of SL jewelry.  I got these fantastic earrings from  CZ, and they are amazing. They are called Octopussy,and the opalescent effect is magic.  Well worth the cost, and I even dragged out this Catwa updo to show the pretty things off. Jewelry is decidedly on the map.

     And of course the heels: Helena by Redgrave.  I love redgrave designs, I always have-see my earlier posts from ages ago.  I like thier design philosophy of making every shoe color change, and having each part changeable. They are very versatile shoes.  The only downside is I am not sold on the design of some of thier sandals, they are sort of boring and conventional, especially when compared to what other shoe desingers are putting out.  Still the Helenas were a must have. They are daring, unconventional and beautiful. Very much a go to shoe for summer.  Easily making the transition from casual to formal-these are a must have heel.

Finally a confession.  I am in love with my ass crack-it's a naughty tease of a thing, but the subtle curves of my ass folding into a cleft between my round butt cheeks catches the eye and forces me to look.   What is the relevance of this you ask?  Well it involves mesh jeans, which just never quite feel the same.  These Larry Jeans shorts are literally painted on and the curves are emphasized, and shown off.  I like it.  I have yet to find mesh jeans that replicate this effect.  I have seen some cute ones, but mesh designers be advised-take advantage of the asscrack!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

RL is Distracting

Real Life is a time-consuming process, and sadly distracts from the real business of fashion. Yet somehow I must pay for everything, and that involves work.  Work involved a trip to Chicago, and despite jetlag and meeting after meeting telling the same thing over and over, I did get some RL shopping in. Shoes, yes. But three dresses and a suit to round out my RL annual update.  I am hoping to get up to Santa Barbara over the next week, and hit up a store specializing in ethnic looking silk clothes (not sure exactly where they are from, but sort of loose and flowy casual stuff).  So keep looking for intermittent posts in the next few weeks, as I do some RL adjusting.
  So today is about FABOO Bikinis, which are fantastic. Griz does an amazing job with these, and the detail is wonderful.  Her colors are vibrant the results are stunning. 
     This picture shows my favorite pose on my current A/0 (Natural Expressions). I just love the dynamics of the poses and the movement.  The downside is the animation troublesomely distorts the right shoulder, causing awkward glitches in clothing, especially mesh clothing.   I am looking for a new A/O, or more realistically a bunch of animations to finally put in the built-in FS A/O. I resist shopping for fundamentals like animations as much as possible, but its time. Any recommendations as to the best stores for animations?

     I am always torn in what shoes to wear with a bikini. On the one hand practicality virtually mandates flip-flops, with sneakers being a close second.  IRL heels on a beach are next to impossible (but the Japanese Girls manage to do it-i don't know how).  This being second life, my major footwear considerations eliminate practicality, all shoes are comfortable and as you can see, water proof.  Yes there are adorable flats and sneakers in SL. Mostly I wear heels in SL because my feet never hurt and I wear flats and sneakers all the time (in addition to my heavy duty steel toe boots - GO ME!).  My new obsession is Jewelry and Ballgowns.  Not promising anything, but I have some ideas working in the back of my brain.  More soon.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Friday night with the beaches

Ok. Prepare yourself: I am not wearing shoes in some of these pictures. Consider yourself warned!!!!!
Friday night started at Bahamas where Griz's husband Ras is the DJ. And then migrated to G spot where (he is so my bitch) Sam Dallin was DJ.  We had kind of a short night at G-spot where Griz, Dani and I all wore real height shapes. I actually liked it, but need my clothes resized. I would do real height again.  Still its good to be the zilla half of Glamzilla!  Dani, my supermodel friend is he Glam half.
I warned you I was not wearing shoes! That is Dani on the left being the Glam half. The beefckake on the right is Ras, wearing Griz's Faboo handiwork.


Of course this is Dani up closer and sexy in her own Faboo bikini.  For those who care, in the above picture my hair is Dura, my skin is Lost Fae, by L'O, my shorts are Larry Jeans, my top is maitreya and my feet are SLink.      Below Dani is Selena, also in Faboo, and finally, Ras and Griz being cool      

Pirates and Freinds.

   Yarrr! It was a weekend party, with pirate night starting out at the G-Spot on Thursday, which these are the photos from.  Firday was also a party, but thats another entry in the life of Jenn.

    This was my whole pirate image, the entire ensemble came from Blak Opal Designs. Except for the monocle which came from a long since gone store. I will edit this later and add the name.  Skin is my now standard Lost Fae by L'O. Hair is by Dura.

     A close up shot of me showing off the hat, the monocle and the chest ruffle.  I really love the color. I am starting to figure out what does and does not work for this skintone. I may stay a pale girl for another year after this. Or maybe not.
Broken and I danced for hours, the funny part is not that he danced on wooden legs, the funny part hs that he does not recall dancing with me.  He is so on my shit list.
Rustie had my favorite costume of Thursday night.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Goth me, sort of, 2.

    Looking at my blog I see that way back in may 2008, I published an entry that showed be in a slinky gothic pantsuit.  I decided to revisit that theme on the same day, with a more up to date avatar.  It only dawned on me afterwards that I have a model skin with a fatpack of exotic make-ups I could have worn.  But I reall do love and identify with Danity's Skin, I just wish I had a million make-up layers (and god wouldn't lipstick tatoos be amazing too?) to make it exotic.  Of cours Danity herself would say it was never intended as a model skin -she uses the sam Glam Affair skin I have for her modelling.  I am selfish though, and think only of what I want.
    The pictures were again taken at G-spot, in the castle skybox and in the basement. Enjoy!  Probably another update later before I am silent for a few days of real life.

     The picture on the right shows the back half of the basement with yours truly lying languidly on the beanbag. The porn studio can be seen in the background.  The couch may be the only non-sexed up object in G-spot. Not sure why. If you know, leave a comment.
 A good close up of my face. All my SL heels now have red soles. A nod to my fetish for Louboutains IRL.  I have about four pairs of the obscenely expensive shoes. I gave up collecting them when I discovered custom designed shoes over the internet.  Now most of my new RL shoes come from Italian Heels, or Shoes of Prey. Most..since its hard for me to pass any shoe store without buying a pair. I restrain myself usually.

And to the right, the heels. Omega's by N-core, which is becoming my default brand after all these years.They would be perfect if they just would make color changes.  Sooner or later, like Moody's they will price themselves out of competition, as the quality of other makers goes up. So now, the practicalities: Outfit: Mianmai Black; Heels: N-core; Hair: Catwa; Skin Lost Fae (L'O).